Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's been awhile...

Alot has happened since my last entry. Scott broke his arm Thanksgiving night. Mother issues. There was that crazy ice storm that knocked out my power (and running water) for 4.5 days. More snow storms to mess the roads up and make any kind of travel feel not only incredibly slow, but dangerous.

Now Christmas Eve is tomorrow... and I feel like I missed all of December. I started getting that excited holiday feeling when Thanksgiving rolled around... and then Scott's arm snapped and with it came double the workload at home for me, and my new job as in-home nurse. I love him and would do it again, don't get me wrong, but that extra stress on top of working 7 days straight and my crazy hours (6:30-3:30 one day, 11:30-8:30 another...) made the excitement of the season sort of take a backseat... and then become altogether non-existent with the storms and the traveling to Scott's parents house to get some water and heat. Lot's of traveling now... because he is back to work and can't drive. So I find myself on the road alot more than I was. Good thing I have a reliable car. She's been good. And the gas prices make everything feel alot less stressful. At least my wallet isn't feeling it as much as I am.

I love Christmas. I wish I could have enjoyed it more. I know part of it was me. I overdid it with presents and projects. But had things gone as planned it would have been ok I think. But when does anything goes as planned? I'm learning quickly that even if I plan something 4 months in advance, something could happen completely out of my control to mess it up. Hey, that's life, right? And there are plenty of people in the boat with me.

Speaking of Christmas, I made lots of cookies. I wrapped a TON of gifts and they look lovely under my little old fashioned Charlie Brown tree. I managed to fit in some time with friends and family. And now I feel like I can relax. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have nothing to do but to enjoy the day. THAT feels good. I can sleep in and wake up knowing there is nothing to do but shower and spend way too much time making myself look nice. Ahhhh, feels good just thinking about it.

Merry Christmas everyone. :)

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